Day 1
Today I am finally ready to begin my experimentation using Central Authentication Service with my Django apps. Making it much easier for me, I’m using a package I found in Google Code called django_cas to interface with the University’s CAS service.
Step 1:
Request access from the Security office. This includes providing my development machine IP for them to add to the valid access list, and a request for a couple of test accounts so that I can work with users of different access levels in the application.
Step 2:
Install django_cas 2.0.2 on my dev machine.
Step 3:
Make modifications to the code to use the package. These are easy changes – a couple of additions to the file for middleware and authentication backend, and adding 2 URL patterns.
As soon as I hear back from Security, I’ll try it out.
Day 2
My Security guy cleared my IP address to access the CAS server, and guess what? It worked on the first try!
Interesting note:Â When I had a user who had not been part of the user list attempt to log in, his username was added with no priviledges. Â Not really a problem, but the list could get long if many people try to log in.
Also interesting, the guidance I received from my security guy mentioned three available links, /login, /logout, and /serviceValidate. Â However, django_cas uses /proxyValidate instead of /serviceValidate. Â I figured I’d have to monkey patch the code to make it work, but the CAS service I’m using seems to work fine with /proxyValidate.
UPDATE: I’ve been testing with CAS 3.3.2, as central IT is planning an update next month, and I’ve found that the /proxyValidate URL no longer works. I imagine that they are no longer supporting it. A quick change to the django-cas code to use /serviceValidate solved the problem, but I hate patching outside code, as I will have to redo the change each time I upgrade (assuming I remember to do so). Perhaps the security office can enlighten me as to the difference between the two methods, as I do not understand the subtleties. Also, I wonder if I should notify the mantainers of django-cas. They probably have different needs that I do, and /proxyValidate works fine for them.END UPDATE
More experimentation tomorrow.
Day 3
As I’m playing around with this, I’m finding a couple of issues to work on. Â
First, on the Django Admin pages, there are links for Change Password and Logout User that link to the internal Django functions and not the CAS services. Â Luckily, the Django creators have included these links in a template block, so it was easy to modify the admin/base_site.html template to offer the correct link to log off. Â I dropped the change password functionality since that is handled elsewere on a university-wide basis.
Since the CAS service only allows specificed IP addresses to access it, I will have to remove django_cas from my apps when working on the laptop. Â To do this I need to 1) comment the middleware declaration, 2) comment the authentication backend declaration (both in, 3) switch the URLs for login and logout back to the defaults, and 4) comment the logout link on the admin pages. Â Not too tough. Â I can do the settings stuff via
I need to decide if I want the user to be logged out from CAS when they log out of the app. Â The default is to do both.
Day 4
UPDATE: I’ve changed the way this was implemented. For the latest, see this post – Using CAS with Django – an Update.
OK, I think I’m done playing around and ready to install this functionality in a real application. Â There are just three files I have to touch.
# django_cas (r'^accounts/login/$', 'django_cas.views.login'), (r'^accounts/logout/$', 'django_cas.views.logout'), # end django_cas
Any existing URLS with these same patterns should be commented.
## django_cas settings CAS_SERVER_URL = '' CAS_VERSION = '2' AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'django_cas.backends.CASBackend', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ( 'django_cas.middleware.CASMiddleware', ) ## end django_cas settings
(copy this file from the django.contrib.admin library if you haven’t already created one)
{% block userlinks %} <a href="/accounts/logout">Logout</a> {% endblock userlinks %}
That’s all it seems to take. Happy authenticating!
I added the code from the django-cas page that sets up a custom 403 error page. No issues.
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