For this example I’m not starting with a generic view. That’s because the code includes support for an extra submit button – in this case “Save and Add Another”. Without it, I would have used the generic view.
@permission_required('calendars.add_eventtype') def create_type(request): evttypeform = EventTypeForm(request.POST or None) if evttypeform.is_valid(): if '_addanother' in request.POST: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('create_type')) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('list_type')) return render_to_response('eventtype_form.html', {'form' : evttypeform, 'create_form': True, 'calendar_menu':, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Perhaps the Generic View would have looked something like this (not tested):
@permission_required('calendars.add_eventtype') def create_type(request): return create_object(request, form_class = EventTypeForm, post_save_redirect=reverse('list_type'), template_name='eventtype_form.html', extra_context={'create_form': True, 'calendar_menu':,})
class TypeCreateView(CreateView): template_name = 'eventtype_form.html' model = EventType form_class = EventTypeForm def get_success_url(self): if '_addanother' in self.request.POST: return reverse('create_type') return reverse('list_type') ## Override dispatch to apply the permission decorator @method_decorator(permission_required('calendars.add_eventtype')) def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return super(TypeCreateView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) ## Additional context def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(TypeCreateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['calendar_menu'] = context['create_form'] = True return context
One of the benefits of the class based views is to be able to override individual methods. Here the get_success_url
method can handle the extra functionality of the “Add Another” button.