I put this here mostly for my own documentation.
@permission_required('training.view_signupdetail') def class_history_attend(request,class_id): tc = get_object_or_404(TrainingClass,id=class_id) queryset = SignupDetail.objects.filter(schedule__training_class = tc,attended = True).order_by('session__user__username') params = {'queryset': queryset, 'template_name': 'class_history.html', 'extra_context': {'tc': tc}} return object_list(request, **params)
class ClassHistoryAttendView(ListView): ## Set the template name template_name = 'class_history.html' ## Override dispatch to apply the permission decorator @method_decorator(permission_required('training.view_trainingclass')) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ClassHistoryAttendView, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs) ## Define get_queryset to bring in the supplied class number and build the query def get_queryset(self): self.tc = get_object_or_404(TrainingClass,id=self.kwargs.get('class_id',None)) return SignupDetail.objects.filter(schedule__training_class = self.tc,attended = True).order_by('session__user__username') ## Override get_context_data to add the class number to the context for use by the template def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ClassHistoryAttendView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['tc'] = self.tc return context
The override of dispatch
allows the application of the permission decorator. Note the @method_decorator
wrapper around the traditional view decorator for permission use.
The other two method overrides are necessary to access the self
instance of the object.
An easier example still uses the permission override, but others are not needed.
@permission_required('b2c.view_event') def list_event(request): params = {'queryset': Event.objects.all(), 'paginate_by': DEFAULT_PAGINATION, 'template_name': 'event_list.html'} return object_list(request, **params)
class ListEventView(ListView): ## The basics template_name = 'event_list.html' paginate_by = DEFAULT_PAGINATION queryset = Event.objects.all() ## Override dispatch to apply the permission decorator @method_decorator(permission_required('b2c.view_event')) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ListEventView, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
Note that the paginate_by variable is set in this example.
These are the imports needed:
from django.views.generic import ListView from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
In urls.py
, adjust the definition to call the as_view
method of the class: